Hi Friend,
I’m Mindy - homestead mentor and raw milk dairy farmer at The Little Red Farm.
As our homestead journey has evolved, we have found that we love to share what we have learned along the way to help others who dream of living this beautiful, challenging and rewarding homestead life for themselves!
How The Little Red Farm began…My hubby Kyle dreamed of being a farmer someday, and I just wanted a country house with chickens. After 3 years of searching, we finally found it in 2014!
Once we moved in, the empty barn seemed sad, and someone or something needed to upkeep the land. The coop had chickens within 3 months. In March, four little pigs had moved into the barn. That next fall, we raised meat chickens. By spring our first bottle calf came home with another to keep her company a few weeks later.
Through it all we figured, if we were growing our own food, we might as well grow some for other people and The Little Red Farm naturally grew out of our heart to feed others the same way we wanted to feed our own family.
Now, our goal is to share the knowledge we have gained through our experiences. We welcome you to join the journey with us and invite you to be a part of our encouraging and supportive community. Come get the guidance you need and the freedom to live a life you love!
Every homestead will look a bit different and that’s okay!
The way nature does things, usually works best.
Paying attention to natural instincts and creating a routine will always be a benefit.
You can do anything, but one thing at a time is the best route to success.
Everyone starts somewhere, and our goal is to offer our experience in the hopes it smooths your path.